Monday, June 27, 2011

Presbyterian Devotions: Making a Difference - 1 Peter 4:10

1 Peter 4:10    Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,  faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

Tonight, on NBC news (6:30PM EST), several of our church members will be highlighted on the “Making a Difference” spot. Steve and Tracy Foster formed a non-profit organization several years ago called “Project Being There.” The focus of the organization is to help orphaned children, some of whom are severely handicapped, in Vietnam. It’s an amazing project and very worthy of national attention.

Tracy and Steve adopted three Vietnamese children years ago to give them a loving home and better opportunities in their lives. But the Fosters wanted to do even more for the many children in Vietnam who live in the orphanages that the Fosters visited. They have dedicated much of their lives to the well-being of St Ans Orphanage and have also given their children an amazing way of how to serve other people. Many of our church folks generously support this project and it’s great to see Steve and Tracy get national recognition for what they seek to accomplish over there.

They are a wonderful example of people using their God-given gifts to serve the needs and better the lives of other people. God’s grace is being faithfully administered to those young children in Vietnam. Their lives are significantly and positively changed through the work, care, and focus of the Fosters and their friends. Those orphaned and handicapped children were once set aside and forgotten by their communities. Now they have better opportunities of care and education, nurture and love.

I heartily recommend that you watch the “Making a Difference” segment on NBC tonight. You can also read about, view, and support some of the work that the Fosters are currently proposing on the “Project Being There” website – just click on the following link:

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, thank You for the generous hearts and minds that You inspire in people every day. Thank You for the gracious work of organizations like Project Being There which seek to help the most helpless in our world. Bless them with support and enable them to truly make significant differences in the lives of those they seek to aid. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

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