Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Session devotions: Fifteen years of Grace - Isaiah 38:5

Today’s Bible readings: Isaiah 38:1-8 and Matthew 18:1-9

Isaiah 38:5      “Go and tell Hezekiah, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life.’” 

Last week, I wrote that Hezekiah was my favorite king in the Old Testament. This second incident from his life, which is recorded in the Bible, let’s you know why I like him. Hezekiah was given bad news from the prophet Isaiah about his impending death and so he did what his people had done for generations – he lay down and turned his head to the wall, surrendering himself to Death.

But Hezekiah was only human, so he also tearfully prayed to God for help, in the hope that things would be changed. It’s the same type of moving moment that Charles Dickens would use with his famous fictional character Ebenezer Scrooge. God sees Hezekiah’s humility and is moved by his tears. Events are changed and grace is given. In fact, Hezekiah is granted fifteen more additional years to his life and God confirms this with a miraculous sign involving the Sun and shadows.

One day in Heaven, I hope to walk with Hezekiah and ask him about that miraculous day. I want to hear how he felt and then give glory to God for such amazing grace. In my lifetime, I have seen similar events with people who are cancer survivors or heart surgery patients. They have a better understanding of what life is about and usually have a greater appreciation for the extension of their own lives. It’s a wonderful gift given by God through the skills and knowledge of surgeons, doctors, and nurses.

This week, we have each been given another year. We do not know what lies ahead of us but we all hope to experience God’s grace during it. If we place our lives into His hands at the beginning of this New Year, we will know one thing by the end of it: He is always in control.

Question for reflection:          What parts of my life do I truly have to give over to God and wait for His grace?

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, at the beginning of this New Year, we have many hopes and dreams, issues and concerns. Grant us the courage and humility to hand them over to You. Help us to put You at the center of our lives, so that we may follow and serve You all the days of this year. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to pastor@erinpresbyterian.org.

Today’s image is John’s latest winter drawing. It’s called “Snowmobile” and features a classic car in the snow under a winter moon. If you would like to view a larger version of this drawing, please click on the following link: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7149/6609941245_ec24cdb7a3_b.jpg

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